1. Yearly Anniversary Celebration!

Anniversary is normally held every year in October. We was just celebrated our 9th year anniversary on 30th October 2022. It is normally held in Old Long House building or Chalet Fado. In house guests are welcome to join this event.

This event normally fill with speech from the owner and one of the supervisors, few games, cake cutting, exchange gift among staffs, prizes for games winner and dinner.


3. Building Material giving campaign to victim of Sabah Earthquake                                                       


In a two days campaign held in Kundasang town, various kind of building materials were given to the families suffered from damages of their house in the earthquake of 5 June 2015.  Mile 36 Lodge together with a group of Singaporean contributed 740 bags of 50kg cements.

4. A Journey to the past – the old Kinabalu Way                                                            

In a beautiful weekend in March 2014, the writer made a trip to the old access road to Mt Kinabalu with a veteran Mt. Kinabaluan Mr. Eric who has worked and stayed in Mt. Kinabalu for many years.

The journey started from Kota Kinabalu Town center via Jalan Tuaran toward Tamparuli.  Explained by Eric that chose to travel on the older Jalan Tuaran was on purpose since this trip was to travel thru the history, therefore he was not using the newer coastal road and Jalan Tuaran Bypass.  When those newer roads were not built, Jalan Tuaran was the only main access to Tamparuli.

At early morning 6:30 a.m. the sky was covered with bright golden curtains

Jalan Tuaran toward Mt Kinabalu

After half an hour drive, we reached the iron bridge to Tamparuli.  Eric suddenly recalled that this is a “new” bridge, in order to travel to the past one shall use the old bridge.  Then he made a U turn and went by the older road which was turned in before the bridge.

Used the old bridge to get to Tamparuli town.  The old bridge is narrow and only accessible by vehicle of one direction each time. Look at the height of the bridge from the water level, no wonder it was said this bridge was inaccessible during raining season when the river was flooded.

Reached Tamparuli town and enjoyed a plate of the famous Tamparuli Mee

After breakfast, crossed a small bridge from Tamparuli Town.  The journey to Mt Kinabalu resume from Mile Zero.

The road began with well paved tar

Just two minutes drive from mile zero, the tar road turned into gravel road

Two sides of the road were covered with natural forest, it was like a jungle trek now.  According to Eric the road condition was exactly like the past, seems like time was frozen here.

Our horse taking a short break

Residential house and beautiful scenery along the way

Kampong on the way.  Kampong people is still in need of the old road.

Very narrow access road and deep slope on one side.  One can image in the past how problematic when two big lorries or bus from opposite direction meetup here.  Base on this road condition, it was understandable why one took a few hours to get to Kinabalu Park in the past.

About 40 minutes from Mile zero we reached the end of this stretch of old road, and get into the existing tar road.  If going by the existing tar road, it takes only 10 over minutes to get here.

Continue on the well paved tar road

There were at least another two more stretch of old roads, which we did not go thru.  This stretch of old road was near Pekan Nabalu which we travelled a few kilometres in and turn back.

Overall, it was a fruitful trip in appreciating how tough it was in the old days people travelled to Kinabalu Park.